Retirement savings calculator
This calculator provides an indication of the retirement lump sum ‘lump sum’ you might receive at your chosen retirement date, based upon a combination of existing savings plus future savings into your Retirement Savings Plan. Please note that these are illustrations only, designed to show the possible impact of you and your employer contributing towards your Plan for the period until your retirement. We have used generic assumptions for Plan charges, inflation and investment growth in your Plan and so the amount you will actually receive may be different to the figure stated. These assumptions can be found at the bottom of the page.
You should not make decisions about your retirement based on these illustrations alone, since they are based upon a number of assumptions, which may not reflect your personal circumstances. It is important that you understand the basis of these assumptions, before using the tool.
The current value of your plan and/or any other savings you wish to include
Date of birth
Select your retirement age
What % of your salary will you pay into your Plan?
What % of your salary will your employer pay into your Plan?
You can temporarily save the calculation, and then change your retirement age and/or employee payments to consider the impact on your potential lump sum.
The criteria affecting your results are:
- How long you make contributions for
- The level of payments both you and your employer make
- How much your investment grows by
Important note:
- Inflation erodes future buying power. For example, if inflation was 2.5% then USD 10,000 today would only be worth USD 6,100 in 20 years' time.
Growth assumptions:
- Your salary and all payments into your Plan increase by 2.5% each year
- Investment growth is 5% each year
- There is a charge equal to 2% of the value of your Plan taken each year.